Ballet Benefits for a New Mom’s Pelvic Floor | Ballet for Women

Ballet Benefits for a New Mom’s Pelvic Floor

If you’ve just given birth, or you’re nearly there, you’ve probably heard from a medical professional or two that exercising your pelvic floor is going to be an essential element of your postpartum recovery plan. But you might be under the assumption that your only options are the notorious Kegel, and while it’s certainly a huge part, that’s not all you can do. 


How to Find your Pelvic Floor Muscles

The first step in performing pelvic floor muscle exercises is to identify the correct muscles. There are several ways that may help you to correctly identify the different parts of your pelvic floor muscles. One way is to try to stop or slow the flow of urine midway through emptying the bladder. Stopping the flow of urine repeatedly on the toilet is not an exercise, but a way of identifying your pelvic floor muscles. This should only be done to identify which muscles are needed for bladder control. If you can, stop the flow of urine over the toilet for a second or two, then relax and finish emptying without straining. This ‘stop-test’ may help you identify the muscles around the front passage which control the flow of urine. It is not recommended as a regular exercise.




Benefits of Ballet for your Pelvic Floor

Ballet is actually a wonderful form of exercise, but it can often be an afterthought, or not even a thought at all when it comes to the pelvic floor. In fact, most people associate ballet with an overworked pelvic floor. Chances are, however, that you’re not doing ballet professionally, so no need to worry about that! Here are the four I’s to healing yourself with ballet:

  • Inflammation reduction Performing a simple plie is a sure-fire way to strengthen your pelvic floor, as well as reduce swelling and inflammation which in turn promotes proper healing. 

  • Incontinence If you’ve just given birth, chances are you might have some issues with a non-compliant bladder. Pelvic floor exercises will greatly help put an end to the need for round the clock leakage anxiety. 

  • Intercourse Ballet exercises will increase blood flow to your pelvic muscles, which will allow for more comfortable intercourse when you’ve finally finished healing. 

  • Incorrect Posture This sounds like an obvious one, but correcting your pelvic floor also lends a helping hand to your spine by pulling up your abdomen and straightening your back.


So when you finally get that talk with your doctor, consult with them and let them know you’re planning on implementing ballet into your postpartum fitness routine, and sautéing your way to pelvic poise. 


Are you ready for class? Sign up for our Absolute Beginner Ballet class and discover the joy of ballet.