14 Nov Relieve Knee Pain: 6 Exercises to Keep you Dancing
You don’t have to be a dancer to experience knee pain. One study shows that up to 25% of adults are afflicted with pain in this essential part of our bodies. Here is where the endless benefits of exercising can help. Although not a permanent solution to relieve knee pain completely, performing exercises properly and regularly that build the muscles that surround the knee can safeguard the stability of the area when moving. Another keep step that can be taken is stretching exercises. Stretching will improve flexibility and in turn, better flexibility will contribute to enhancing joint range of motion and thus make it simpler to move and you go about your normal daily activities. Even if pain exists, taking the time to perform regular stretching exercises can help in preventing minor aches and pains. Here are a few of BFW’s favorite recommended knee stretches and exercises we can all benefit from so you can keep dancing.
Heel and calf stretch
- Stand facing a wall with feet together.
- Place hands on the wall to help keep balance.
- Step one foot back as far as you comfortably can.
- Keep toes facing forward and heels on the floor.
- Bend your knees slightly.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Rest for 30 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.
Complete two sets of four reps up to seven times a week.
Hamstring curls or butt kicks
- You can either stand with your feet hip-width apart and hands on your hips or get into a table-top position on your knees.
- Hold onto the back of a chair for balance if you need to.
- Bend your knee and bring your foot back to your glute.
- Hold for five seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.
Complete three sets of 10 reps, four to five times a week. Add ankle weights when this exercise becomes easy. You can also use a weight machine at your local gym. Ask a fitness instructor there to help you use the machine properly.
Quad stretch
- Stand with feet about hip-width apart. Have a wall or chair beside you for support.
- Bring one foot back, trying to touch your glutes.
- Hold your foot and bring it as close as you comfortably can to your glute.
- Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.
Complete two to three reps four to five times a week.
Half squat stretches
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
- Hold onto the back of a kitchen chair for balance if needed.
- Stretch your arms straight out in front of you if you’re not using a chair.
- Bend your knees and lower yourself down like you’re sitting in a chair.
- Keep your weight in your heels and back straight.
- Hold for five seconds.
- Straighten your legs back into a standing position.
Complete three sets of 10 reps, four to five times a week. Add dumbbells by holding one in each hand when this exercise becomes easy.
Hamstring stretch
- Get into a sitting position.
- Bend your right leg while straightening the left one.
- Keep your left leg straight while you take your right arm and try to reach your toes.
- If you have trouble reaching your toes, just reach as far as you can without feeling pain.
- Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.
Complete two to three reps four to five times a week.
Leg extensions
- Sit on a chair with back straight and arms comfortably by your sides.
- Bring one foot up in front of you in a slow kick.
- Stop when your leg is parallel to the floor or when you are comfortable.
- Hold for five seconds.
- Return foot to the floor.
- Switch legs and repeat.
Complete three sets of 10 reps, four to five times a week. Add ankle weights when this exercise becomes easy. You can also use a weight machine at your local gym. Ask a fitness instructor to help you use it properly.
Remember to always keep proper form and technique so that you can have the best and safest stretches. Don’t forget to listen to your body as you stretch, and don’t push it too far. Stop when you feel a little discomfort, that your body speaking to you, so listen!