16 Nov Zoom Dance Class Do’s and Don’ts
Ballet for Women was born in the middle of one of the most bizarre periods in modern history, but we have made something wonderful out of the physical distance, creating opportunities where times were at their darkest. One year into this wonderful project, we are still dancing in our virtual studios with students from our first week of class back in October 2020, in addition to the new students we have every week. If you are one of our followers who send us questions, or you are still curious to try a new class, here are some great Zoom etiquette tips to make the most of each session.
Ask your family for a little privacy and consideration
Sometimes little siblings, spouses and even pets want to see and join in, but it’s important to let your family members know that you shouldn’t be interrupted, as it is a live class. Of course, not all of us have the luxury of private space right now. If your situation means true privacy is impossible, ask family members to be respectful of your teacher and classmates by staying quiet and out of the way.
Don’t be late
You wouldn’t arrive at the dance studio exactly at the scheduled class start time, would you? Same goes for Zoom class. If possible, log on a few minutes early. Technology can be unpredictable, so you’ll want the extra time to get set up.
DO make the most of nonverbal communication
Our teachers will probably communicate or prompt you via nonverbal cues (“Thumbs-up if you want me to go over that again!” or “Can you hear the music?”). Make sure you respond to these prompts quickly and visibly.
DO wear proper dance attire
Although circumstances are strange, there’s no reason you shouldn’t dress the part. It’ll help you take class seriously. If you’re in your dance clothes with your hair up and your water bottle nearby, you’ll be in the zone, and you won’t be wasting your time.
Don’t forget your charger
Don’t let a low battery keep you from participating. Technology issues are bound to happen, but a charger is an easy thing to have on hand.
Keep your video on
It’s important for your teacher to be able to see you dancing in order to correct you. Unless there’s a really good reason, your video needs to be on (it’s actually one of the rules of the class. See our Class Policies)
Don’t keep your audio on
Muting your audio will prevent the background noises in your home from distracting the class, and keep potential echoes to a minimum. If your teacher asks you a question that requires more than a yes or no answer, unmute yourself as quickly as possible to respond.
Don’t use virtual backgrounds
Yes, you may be familiar with Zoom and its many tricks from school, but this feature is super distracting. As you move around the screen, you and the background can cut in and out, making it difficult for your teacher to properly see and correct you.
DO provide feedback
If you’re having trouble with an element of your Zoom education—the sound quality is poor, or the instructor keeps moving out of frame while demonstrating—politely communicate your concerns to your teacher. This is an ever-changing landscape, and it’s helpful for teachers to know what is and isn’t working so they can make adjustments.
DO prioritize kindness
This is a new and complicated scenario for everyone involved. And there are a lot of people involved in a Zoom dance class: you, your teacher, your classmates, plus the people with whom you’re all social distancing. If (when) glitches or miscommunications occur, be compassionate. We’re all in this together! Also, not everyone is extremely comfortable being on camera or with their self image, so please remember that we are here together to encourage one another, provide comfort and create a positive learning environment. #womensupportingwomen.
What to try your first class? See our schedule and use code BALLET5 to try a 90-minute class for just $5 (if it’s the first time you dance with us).